All technologies
One of the keys to the research done at the CP2M is that we focus on studying kinetics, particle formation and the production of different materials under commercially viable conditions. To this end we have developed many different kinds of reactors for the study of:
Characterization is the key to many of our research activities, whether it is characterization of raw materials, or evaluation of reaction products or byproducts. The CP2M has worked hard to maintain a high profile in this area, and has amassed a large variety of characterization equipment for many different applications and materials.
We require many different kinds of synthesis equipment for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, and for raw material preparation. This includes in-house designed vacuum systems,
The laboratory offers a range of analytical service work for both academic and private sector needs.
In addition to the ”hardware” above, we have developed a range of expertise in many specific areas. More to come
Here is listed different pieces of equipment used for the preparation and processing of samples
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