Expertise of researchers and engineers of CP2M lab on characterization and calculation using external infrastructure :
Access to synchrotrons (ESRF, Hasylab, SOLEIL …) by writing proposals submitted to a scientific committee or purchasing beam-time.
Home-made air-tight cells and systems used in particular for organometallic compounds. Data acquisition and treatment using adequate software (Athena, Arthemis, MAX programs…).
Expertise by Dr Aimery De Mallmann
Access to the EPR spectrometer located at ENS-Lyon (Lhoussain Khrouz).
Air-tight tubes, data acquisition and simple analysis (interpretation, access to spin concentration).
Referent at CP2M: Dr Aimery De Mallmann
Data treatment and analysis using home-made code and SASfit software.
Expertise by Dr Fabrice Brunel