2013-2021 : Associate Professor
Université Lyon1.
Transport phenomena in porous media; Heat and mass transfer.
2005-2013 : Associate Professor
Université de Strasbourg
Heterogeneous catalyst; Structured catalyst support ; Kinetic
Fellow of the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study
(USIAS: http://www.usias.fr/fellows/fellows-2012/david-edouard/)
2004-05 : Postdoctoral Associate - Pr. Faïçal Larachi
University Laval, Québec - Canada
Dept : Chemical Engineering, « Filtration & Trickle-Bed-reactor ».
2003-04 : Postdoctoral Associate - Pr. Hassan Hammouri
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon1- France
LAGEP, Dept: Automatic and Chemical Engineering, «Observer design for particle size distribution in emulsion polymerization. »
2010 : Habilitation to Direct Researches – Dr .Cuong. Pham-Huu
Université de Strasbourg – France. Title: “SiC solid foam as a new catalytic support.”
2003 : Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - Supervisor: Dr. Daniel. Schweich
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon1 – France. Title «Modélisation et supervision d’un réacteur à inversion de flux pour la destruction de composés organiques et volatils »
2000 : M.Sc.2. (D.E.A.) in Chemical Engineering
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon1 - France
1999 : M.Sc.1. (Master) in Chemistry - Physic with Honors
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